I love USO’s. They were first created back in WWII. Today there are over 160 locations in 14 different countries. Within the USA they are in over 27 states. They can be found at airports, military bases, busy city locations.
A common question is: Who is eligible to enter the USO’s?
- Anyone with a Valid ID. This could include Active Duty Members, Retirees, Guard/Reserve Members, and Dependents
What do all the different cards mean and what are the color differences in the Uniformed Services ID Cards?
- CAC Card – this is the standard ID card for Active Duty Military Members (See picture above – left side)
- Uniformed Services ID Card (several different versions)
- Green – Reserve Members
- Blue – Retired Members
- Pink – Retired Reserve Members
- Orange – Dependents
- For more information on these cards visit HERE to see charts like this
So in conclusion, if you have one of the ID Cards listed above then you are eligible to visit the USO’s. This is frustrating to some people that were in the military for several years but don’t qualify for one of the ID cards above. The USO tried to address those people in an article they wrote several years ago. Here is an excerpt:
“Occasionally, donors who are veterans or military retirees contact us to tell us they couldn’t get into a USO airport facility because they didn’t have an active military ID card. We’ve thought about this a great deal, and as much as we’d like to open the doors to all those who have honorably served their nation and risked their lives for our freedom, we just don’t have the resources. We hope you will understand that we must focus our mission on serving the needs of those who need us most – active duty members of the military and their families. For 70 years, that’s been our mission.”
Thanks for taking the time to read our blog. Happy Memorial Day! Thank you to all the veterans and active duty/reserve members for your service to our country and for protecting all of the precious freedoms that we have as Americans.
Anita says
I think you could work something out for all vets. Soon I will be putting the indicator from my state on my drivers license. I wouldn't mind paying a small fee (2-5) for entering, adding to your resources. Buying items for a lesser than airport price. I concur that active members and families and retirees should be on a stepped-up status. I like that some of the locations are in the restricted post-screening areas. I think that based on what I have observed with many, the uso should be more access friendly vs being placed in small obscure corners of the airport down long empty hallways, etc. I asked information ppl for assistance, most, if they even know where it is, have never been there and don't know about access besides gate location. Access, ie meaning elevators, easier to find and get to, etc. Thank Robert. (Also, there's a misspell in your last paragraph).cheers